Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ms. Marsh
Computer Art Graphics 1/2
Course Syllabus 2012

Class Expectations
All students are expected to have read the school acceptable use policy for computers.  Students will be held accountable to the school’s computer use policy.  Academic Integrity is important in this class as in all classes at Enosburg Falls High School.  Plagiarizing written work or projects is strictly prohibited.  Written assignments should be entirely the students’ own work.  Original multimedia artworks are expected to demonstrate the students own thinking and skill.  Simply taking images/artwork from the Internet or other sources constitutes plagiarism.  Work taken from other sources must be changed 60% or more to be considered to demonstrate the students’ own thinking.  All work created for this class must be your own work.  Playing computer games or other games (unless given permission from me to do so) and participating in chat rooms, facebook etc. are strictly prohibited. 

Saving your work
All of your work should be saved on the network.  Save often!!  Files must be saved in your classwork folder and named properly.

Due Dates
Projects are to be completed by the due date unless otherwise specified.  Work is due at the end of the class and should be sent to be through email.  

Grading and Evaluation
Class Project 50%
Class Partipation/Effort  25%
Quizzes/Classwork 25%

Parents can check up on student’s progress in class through Powerschool and or email.  Parents may contact me at my email address cmarsh@enosburgk12.net I check my email daily and will respond promptly.

Methods of Assessment
Students will be assessed in a variety of ways, including peer/teacher/student self assessment on artworks.  There will be in class discussions and critiques on student work and and master artworks, there are some short paragraph-length essays, as well as group and individual oral presentations.

Additional Time for Work
As a multimedia art class the expectation is that students will actively participate in class creating their own individual artwork.  If need be, extra computer time is available after school through the Homework Club to continue working on multimedia pieces as needed by students.

If a student is absent because of athletics or a different pre-arranged reason, work that was missed for that absence is due on the date of your return.  If you are absent because of illness, work is due within two of your scheduled class periods.  Please remember it is YOUR responsibility to come to me and collect assignments that you miss when you are not in school.  

Use of Electronic Media
PHONES ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS CLASSROOM, IF YOUR PHONE IS OUT IT WILL BE TAKEN! If you refuse to give the phone, then you will be sent to Mr. Starr.  Proper netiquette is expected from students as outlined in the student handbook.

Grading Guidelines
A- Student has demonstrated mastery above and beyond assigned tasks
B- Student has demonstrated an excellent grasp of concepts and materials
C- Student has demonstrated a good fundamental understanding of materials
D- Student shows limited understanding of motivation in work
F- Student is non-productive in completion of tasks and expectations

Behavioral Expectations for the Classroom
Students are expected to treat others with tact and respect at all times.  They will exhibit personal and academic integrity.  Attendance and punctuality in class are important.

-Be ready to work when the bell rings at the beginning of class
-Be seated and ready to listen to directions.  Use the beginning of class to check your email as I often send the daily assignment to your email.
-Do not touch materials that may be out in the classroom until directions are given.

 BE ON TIME FOR CLASS!  If you are tardy three times you will be given a lunch detention and your parents/guardian will be called!  

-Respect other people, their property and community property
-Raise your hand if you have a question or comment.
-Treat your classmates and teacher with kindness and respect.
-Do not write on, mar or damage the room furniture.
-Do not write on, handle or destroy other people’s work.
-Respect the computer lab’s equipment.  Do not use my computer (unless instructed to do so) and please stay out of Megan’s desk and chair.  

Expected classroom behavior
-No food or drinks in the classroom.
-No swearing or teasing in class.  Use appropriate school language.
-Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
-Students must have a pass when outside of class.
-Websites are blocked for a reason.  Anyone caught using blocked sites (Facebook, gaming sites, etc.) will lose access to their account for 30 days.
-No cell phones allowed during the school day.  If your cell phone is out it WILL be taken away.

-Take all of your belongings with you when you leave.  The computer lab is not your locker.
-No logging out of your computer early.  If you are done your work, find something else to do until the bell rings (homework, read, search the Internet, etc.) DO NOT stand by the door waiting for the bell.
-Push your chair in when you leave.

1st Offense- Warning
2nd Offense- Lunch Detention/ Call Home
3rd Offense- Mr. Starr will be involved

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